The StaticMovieClipBehaviour allows static MovieClips to be displayed in the scene as 3D objects.
| |
Manual update handler, renders the scene and handles user input etc. | |
Set a pixel perfect scale to render display objects on an orthographic camera. | |
Gets default draw scale | |
Set the MovieClip URI. | |
Renders one frame of the active movieclip and advances the timeline. |
Default global draw scale to initialise the drawScale . | |
Set the swf asset name eg. | |
Set the exported symbol name to load from the swf asset file. | |
Set the current frame to the specified label ( editor only update ). | |
Set the current frame to the specified frame ( editor only update ). | |
Set the orientation to always look at the main camera. | |
Billboard mode camera to use, defaults to Camera.main. | |
Loop timeline. | |
Flip the Y coordinates, usefull for handling coordinate between flash and uniSWF. | |
Draw scale sets the stage scale. | |
Enable live editor preview. | |
Set the blendmode. | |
Target framerate to render the MovieClip timeline. | |
Stage color transform. | |
Active MovieClip player instance. | |
Active Stage instance. | |
Active mesh generator. | |
Get or set the current frame on the active MovieClip's timeline. | |
Get or set the depth spacing of each DisplayObject. | |
Get or set the depth spacing of each DisplayObjectContainer. |